Purported (Apocryphal?) Purpose of the Blog

Quick note: There are actually subtle differences between the words "purported" and "apocryphal".

Purported - "appearing or stated to be true, though not necessarily so; alleged."

Apocryphal - "(of a story or statement) of doubtful authenticity, although widely circulated as being true."

Because I am currently the blog's only reader, it is not widely circulated. Therefore, it is "purported", not "apocryphal".

Quod erat demonstrandum.

P.S. I stole the definitions from Google... sue me.

And now for something completely different... the actual content of the post...


For quite a while, I've wanted to publish a blog. Perhaps I'm giving myself too much credit, but I had a feeling I had something to say that others may want to hear. However, I couldn't decide on a specific category or format for the blog.

After a while, I gave up on the idea of actually making something good and just started spewing out my thoughts in a stream of consciousness format. Who knows if anyone will actually read this in the long run.

For those of you that decide to stick around, I think I'll be straying away from politics, unlike most people on the internet these days, and focus on technical subjects. I'd like to be able to communicate highly technical topics for a more or less general audience. I like to say that virtually all of the interesting information in a subject is in the details. However, most people are never going to spend a tremendous amount of time mastering a subject to get to this point. The closest internet content to what I'm describing would probably be 3blue1brown, but I'd like to be even more obscure and technical than that.

I'd also like to explore concepts that span various technical subjects. For instance, 1/f^n flicker noise can be found in transistors and the human brain. There's a gravity law for masses in physics and a gravity of international trade in economics. Pretty wild, right? I think "Chaos" by James Gleick is probably the closest thing I've read to something that strives for truly fundamental knowledge (laws more fundamental than what physicists normally study.... haha, there I go again, lampooning physicists with parentheticals). 

Finally, I'd like to tie all of this together with useful observations in the everyday world. I could have spent more time in the electronegativity post detailing how this impacts solubility, and that would have been a good exercise in practicalizing (Merriam-Webster says it's a word: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/practicalize) the content. Anyhow, this is just the vision of the blog. In the end, I'll probably just end posting random garbage.


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